Friday, February 4, 2011

content with where I am... Kinda ;)

So I am aware, obviously, that I am turning 30 this year. It's not the years or the number that scare me, it's watching my body turn 30, the things it does on it's own as I get older with out my permission. Seeing my kids grow up faster than I can snap the pictures to freeze them that way forever. And just hoping I am as good at it as I used to be and that I'll continue to get better and continue to have the desire... to live my life the happiest and fullest it can be lived!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

First days of school

Gracie started Kindergarten this year, and Brax is in 2nd grade now! talk about your kids making you feel old!
When Grace went to get on the bus for the first time, she just walked right up the steps and didn't even look back. I really expected her to be afraid or not want to leave her mommy... I was the one who didn't want her to leave, and if not for my stunna shades she would have known how much it broke my heart.
Brax will turn 8 this month, and Jeff will be baptizing him! I'm so excited for both of them. This will be the first baptism for Jeff since his mission. Brax is getting so big so fast. He played football this fall, and soccer last spring and base ball last year, he's pretty much the all star player. He's good at everything he does!
Livia just turned one (in August) were trying to hold onto her youth as much as possible! She is getting so big too, she has always been in the 90th percentile for height. Dr. Rose said one day it's going to be hard for us to tell her "no" when she's towering over me and looking Jeff straight in the eye! Her gorgeous hair falls to the middle of her back, and it's getting lighter and lighter.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Little Livia

Well we added our little Livia to the Family on August 12th 2009, 4 days after our one year anniversary :) She was 6lbs 9oz and 18 1/2 inches long. She has about 10 pounds of dark brown hair and it's so much fun to play with! We can't even do the faux hawk thing anymore because it has gotten so long in just 3 little months.